We would love to welcome former players and friends of the band at our 20 years celebration. We are celebrating 20 years of sponsorship from Shepherd Group this year and on September 21st we continue the celebrations with a dinner dance at York Racecourse in the Dante Suite in the Ebor Stand.
The dinner starts at 7:30 pm and ends round about midnight. There is car parking available for those who are driving.
The dinner is a 3 course meal with Coffee and the festivities continue with a disco. There are of course options available for the vegetarians who want to attend. The cost of the meal is £40 per person and tickets can be purchased via a direct bank payment to the Band account, the details you will need are as follows:
Account name : Shepherd Building Group Brass Band
Sort code : 40-52-40
A/c number : 00035218
When making a payment please put use the code PTY20 followed by your name so we can identify who is coming.
Please make payments before the 31st August 2024. If things change, he we can offer refunds for payments made before 31st August, however because we need to place the orders for food, we can’t offer refunds after August 31st.