
Shepherd Group Brass Band Constitution

A very warm welcome to you from all of our members. We sincerely hope that you enjoy making music with us!

Whether you are an absolute beginner or a player with years of experience we welcome you to the band. Young or not so young, male or female, we welcome you, irrespective of your personal circumstances, background, religion, ethnic origin or any disabilities. We will do our best to ensure your association with us will be a happy one.

Aims of the Organisation

To be of pleasure and assistance to the local and wider community.

To provide the opportunity for members to experience the sheer joy of making music and the pleasure of each others company socially

To encourage, teach and develop young people both musically and socially.

To ensure the continuance of Brass Banding and, more widely, music in general in and around York

To provide an inclusive and welcoming social environment that is open to all, irrespective of gender, sexuality, financial circumstances, background, ethnicity, disabilities or religion.

These aims are the foundations of our constitution detailed in this document. This forms the basis of our registration as a Charity.


The name of the Organisation shall be “The Shepherd Group Brass Band” hereinafter referred to as “The Band”. “The Band” includes the Senior Band, the Concert Band, the Youth Band, Brass Academy and Brass Roots.


The Objectives of the The Band shall be:-

To advance the education of the public in the art of music making and in particular the art and science of Brass Band music and the further development of the public’s appreciation of the said art by the presentation of concerts, musical festivals and similar activities.

To encourage the musical education of players of any age, background, ethnicity, or religion by the provision of free tuition and training facilities, irrespective of financial circumstances or any disabilities.

3. Powers

In furtherance of the Objectives but not otherwise, the Committee may exercise the following powers:-

  • To raise funds and to invite contributions, provided that in raising funds the committee shall not undertake any substantial trading activities and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law;
  • To buy, take on lease or in exchange any property necessary for the achievement of the Objectives and equip it for use; subject to any consents required by law, to borrow money and to charge all or part of the property of The Band with repayment of the money so borrowed
  • To engage such persons (who shall not be members of The Band) as are necessary for the proper pursuits of The Band.
  • To cooperate with other organisations, charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the Objectives or of similar charitable purpose and to exchange information and advice with them.
  • To establish or support any charitable trusts, associations or institutions formed for any or all of the objectives.
  • To appoint and constitute such advisory committees as the Committee shall think fit.
  • To provide a stimulating and educational interest for all members and observers.
  • To maintain an inclusive environment and continually encourage new membership, irrespective of gender, age, level of ability, religion, ethnicity, financial circumstances or disabilities.
  • To ensure the provision of access to the rehearsal facilities and concert venues for the disabled, ensuring accessibility for all.
  • To participate in such contests as the Committee may decide.
  • To do all such other things as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives.

4. Membership

The members of The Band shall be those who, having had their application accepted by the committee, abide by the rules of The Band.

All members must be willing and eligible to be registered with the National Registry and must be willing and be eligible to play at contests as required by the Committee. Every member shall be entitled to vote.

All applications for membership shall be assessed on an objective basis and shall not take into account age, gender, ethnicity, religion, financial circumstances and any other nonobjective and irrelevant factors.

5. Officers and Committee

The management of The Band shall be in the hands of a Committee consisting of:-

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • At least four other members

Note that at least two members of the Committee shall be members of the Concert Band and at least one member shall be from the Youth Band and one member shall be from the Academy Band.


The day-to-day administration of The Band shall be by the Committee who shall be elected. annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall meet at least monthly to administer the business of The Band.

The Committee shall receive all applications for membership and shall decide whether or not to accept. All applications shall be assessed on an objective basis and none of the irrelevant factors mentioned in Section 4 shall be taken into account when assessing the application.

7. Finance

All monies raised for or on behalf of The Band, either collectively or individually, shall be the property of The Band and shall be used for the benefit of The Band as a whole. The Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving monies on behalf of The Band, for invoicing appropriate persons or organisations for services provided, and for deposit of monies received into banking accounts agreed by the Committee for the benefit of The Band. All monies received or paid shall be officially recorded by the Treasurer. The general level of charges for the services of The Band shall be decided by the Committee and shall be reviewed from time to time.

All Cheques are to be signed by any two of the following Committee members: the Chairperson, the Treasurer, the Secretary and one of the two, under normal circumstances, shall be the Treasurer.

The Band shall receive donations, grants in aid and financial guarantees.

Tickets for any or all of its concerts and other events shall be offered for sale to the public.

The income and property of The Band, whencesoever derived, shall be applied solely towards promoting the Objectives of The Band as hereto set forth and no portion shall be paid directly or indirectly to any member of The Band except in payment of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of The Band.

It is the joint responsibilities of the Trustees and the Treasurer to ensure that adequate controls exist to:-

  • Safeguard the financial assets of The Band;
  • Ensure transactions are properly recorded;
  • Ensure that any expenditure is appropriate and in line with the objectives of The Band.

8. Band Rules

This Constitution shall be supported by a set of rules which shall be laid down to clarify the day-to-day administration of The Band. The rules shall be binding upon all members of The Band and membership shall depend on the rules being adhered to. The rules shall, from time-to-time, be reviewed by the Committee and, if considered appropriate may be amended by them.

9. Annual Accounts

The financial year shall end on the thirty-first day of December and at this time the Treasurer shall present The Band accounts to a Chartered Accountant appointed by the committee to be independently reviewed (but not necessarily audited). A copy of the accounts must be made available to all band members prior to the Annual General Meeting and at such other times as the Committee shall decide.

10. General Meetings

Within six weeks of the end of the financial year the members shall be summoned to an Annual General Meeting of which at least fourteen days notice shall be given in writing.

Extraordinary General Meetings may be called by the members of The Band when circumstances require such urgent and important attention and resolution. Such a meeting must be initiated by at least six members of The Band and presented to the Secretary in writing, giving details of the urgent matter to be discussed. The agenda raised for this will be the sole purpose for such a meeting and no other business will be discussed. The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held within one month of receipt by the Secretary of the request and the members shall be given at least fourteen days notice. Minutes of the meeting will be taken by the Secretary and shall be presented at the next Annual General Meeting along with details of any action taken.

11. Amendments

Subject to the following provisions of this clause the Constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a General Meeting. The notice of the general meeting must include notice of the resolution, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.

No amendments may be made to Clause 1 (the name of the Charity), Clause 2 (the objectives clause), Clause 18 (the dissolution clause) or this clause, without the prior consent of the Charity Commissioners.

No amendment may be made which would have the effect of making the Band cease to be a Charity at law.

The Committee should promptly send to the Commissioners a copy of any amendment proposed under this clause.


Subscriptions will be set at the Annual General Meeting.

13. Musical Director/Conductor 

The appointment of a Musical Director / Conductor shall be made by the Committee who, by agreement, shall confirm the appointments annually. In appropriate cases, with Committee approval, reasonable out-of-pocket expenses may be paid.

14. Minutes

The Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings held by the Committee and Sub-Committees and circulate copies to all members of those Committees as soon as is reasonably possible.

The minutes shall be proposed and seconded as a true record and the names of the proposer and seconder shall be recorded in the minutes by the Secretary.

15. Quorum 

In order that proceedings at meetings are valid there must be present at least four Committee members or half the committee, whichever is greater, and one of those shall be either the Chairperson, the Secretary or the Treasurer. Meetings shall not be opened unless this quorum exists.

16. Payments and Expenses

No member of The Band shall make any personal gain from their role, nor shall they be employed by The Band. Where members incur expenses undertaking tasks for The Band and those expenses have been authorised by the Committee prior to being incurred, reimbursement shall be made.

Reimbursement to non-members may be made in cases where they incur expenses undertaking tasks which directly contribute to the Objectives of The Band where prior Committee approval has been given.

17. Motions and resolutions

To be resolved, a motion shall be supported by the majority of the members who are eligible to vote, The Chairperson shall not cast a vote unless there be equal numbers for and against a motion, and in that case the Chairperson shall cast the deciding vote.


If the committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve The Band, it shall call a meeting of all members of The Band, of which not less than 21 days notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed) shall be given.

If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, the Committee shall have the power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of The Band

Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having Objectives similar to the Objectives of The Band as the members may determine or, failing that, shall be applied for some other charitable purpose.

A copy of the statement of accounts, or account and statement, for the final period of The Band must be sent to the Charity Commissioners.

19. Band Rules

  1. Whilst at an engagement (even when not playing) you are on show to the public and therefore should be on your best behaviour.
  2. Uniform should be worn correctly, jackets on, ties done up, shirts tucked in, sleeves rolled down (unless agreed by the Bandmaster), at all times at contests and concerts.
  3. The playing area must be kept clear of all items not required for playing, e.g., cases, bags.
  4. Mobile phones must be turned off at all rehearsals and performances unless agreed with the Musical Director.
  5. There should be no unnecessary talking during performances.
  6. The

Shepherd Group Brass Band Constitution

A very warm welcome to you from all of our members. We sincerely hope that you enjoy making music with us!

Whether you are an absolute beginner or a player with years of experience we welcome you to the band. Young or not so young, male or female, we welcome you, irrespective of your personal circumstances, background, religion, ethnic origin or any disabilities. We will do our best to ensure your association with us will be a happy one.

Aims of the Organisation

To be of pleasure and assistance to the local and wider community.

To provide the opportunity for members to experience the sheer joy of making music and the pleasure of each others company socially

To encourage, teach and develop young people both musically and socially.

To ensure the continuance of Brass Banding and, more widely, music in general in and around York

To provide an inclusive and welcoming social environment that is open to all, irrespective of gender, sexuality, financial circumstances, background, ethnicity, disabilities or religion.

These aims are the foundations of our constitution detailed in this document. This forms the basis of our registration as a Charity.


The name of the Organisation shall be “The Shepherd Group Brass Band” hereinafter referred to as “The Band”. “The Band” includes the Senior Band, the Concert Band, the Youth Band, Brass Academy and Brass Roots.


The Objectives of the The Band shall be:-

To advance the education of the public in the art of music making and in particular the art and science of Brass Band music and the further development of the public’s appreciation of the said art by the presentation of concerts, musical festivals and similar activities.

To encourage the musical education of players of any age, background, ethnicity, or religion by the provision of free tuition and training facilities, irrespective of financial circumstances or any disabilities.

3. Powers

In furtherance of the Objectives but not otherwise, the Committee may exercise the following powers:-

  • To raise funds and to invite contributions, provided that in raising funds the committee shall not undertake any substantial trading activities and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law;
  • To buy, take on lease or in exchange any property necessary for the achievement of the Objectives and equip it for use; subject to any consents required by law, to borrow money and to charge all or part of the property of The Band with repayment of the money so borrowed
  • To engage such persons (who shall not be members of The Band) as are necessary for the proper pursuits of The Band.
  • To cooperate with other organisations, charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the Objectives or of similar charitable purpose and to exchange information and advice with them.
  • To establish or support any charitable trusts, associations or institutions formed for any or all of the objectives.
  • To appoint and constitute such advisory committees as the Committee shall think fit.
  • To provide a stimulating and educational interest for all members and observers.
  • To maintain an inclusive environment and continually encourage new membership, irrespective of gender, age, level of ability, religion, ethnicity, financial circumstances or disabilities.
  • To ensure the provision of access to the rehearsal facilities and concert venues for the disabled, ensuring accessibility for all.
  • To participate in such contests as the Committee may decide.
  • To do all such other things as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives.

4. Membership

The members of The Band shall be those who, having had their application accepted by the committee, abide by the rules of The Band.

All members must be willing and eligible to be registered with the National Registry and must be willing and be eligible to play at contests as required by the Committee. Every member shall be entitled to vote.

All applications for membership shall be assessed on an objective basis and shall not take into account age, gender, ethnicity, religion, financial circumstances and any other nonobjective and irrelevant factors.

5. Officers and Committee

The management of The Band shall be in the hands of a Committee consisting of:-

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • At least four other members

Note that at least two members of the Committee shall be members of the Concert Band and at least one member shall be from the Youth Band and one member shall be from the Academy Band.


The day-to-day administration of The Band shall be by the Committee who shall be elected. annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall meet at least monthly to administer the business of The Band.

The Committee shall receive all applications for membership and shall decide whether or not to accept. All applications shall be assessed on an objective basis and none of the irrelevant factors mentioned in Section 4 shall be taken into account when assessing the application.

7. Finance

All monies raised for or on behalf of The Band, either collectively or individually, shall be the property of The Band and shall be used for the benefit of The Band as a whole. The Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving monies on behalf of The Band, for invoicing appropriate persons or organisations for services provided, and for deposit of monies received into banking accounts agreed by the Committee for the benefit of The Band. All monies received or paid shall be officially recorded by the Treasurer. The general level of charges for the services of The Band shall be decided by the Committee and shall be reviewed from time to time.

All Cheques are to be signed by any two of the following Committee members: the Chairperson, the Treasurer, the Secretary and one of the two, under normal circumstances, shall be the Treasurer.

The Band shall receive donations, grants in aid and financial guarantees.

Tickets for any or all of its concerts and other events shall be offered for sale to the public.

The income and property of The Band, whencesoever derived, shall be applied solely towards promoting the Objectives of The Band as hereto set forth and no portion shall be paid directly or indirectly to any member of The Band except in payment of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of The Band.

It is the joint responsibilities of the Trustees and the Treasurer to ensure that adequate controls exist to:-

  • Safeguard the financial assets of The Band;
  • Ensure transactions are properly recorded;
  • Ensure that any expenditure is appropriate and in line with the objectives of The Band.

8. Band Rules

This Constitution shall be supported by a set of rules which shall be laid down to clarify the day-to-day administration of The Band. The rules shall be binding upon all members of The Band and membership shall depend on the rules being adhered to. The rules shall, from time-to-time, be reviewed by the Committee and, if considered appropriate may be amended by them.

9. Annual Accounts

The financial year shall end on the thirty-first day of December and at this time the Treasurer shall present The Band accounts to a Chartered Accountant appointed by the committee to be independently reviewed (but not necessarily audited). A copy of the accounts must be made available to all band members prior to the Annual General Meeting and at such other times as the Committee shall decide.

10. General Meetings

Within six weeks of the end of the financial year the members shall be summoned to an Annual General Meeting of which at least fourteen days notice shall be given in writing.

Extraordinary General Meetings may be called by the members of The Band when circumstances require such urgent and important attention and resolution. Such a meeting must be initiated by at least six members of The Band and presented to the Secretary in writing, giving details of the urgent matter to be discussed. The agenda raised for this will be the sole purpose for such a meeting and no other business will be discussed. The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held within one month of receipt by the Secretary of the request and the members shall be given at least fourteen days notice. Minutes of the meeting will be taken by the Secretary and shall be presented at the next Annual General Meeting along with details of any action taken.

11. Amendments

Subject to the following provisions of this clause the Constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a General Meeting. The notice of the general meeting must include notice of the resolution, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.

No amendments may be made to Clause 1 (the name of the Charity), Clause 2 (the objectives clause), Clause 18 (the dissolution clause) or this clause, without the prior consent of the Charity Commissioners.

No amendment may be made which would have the effect of making the Band cease to be a Charity at law.

The Committee should promptly send to the Commissioners a copy of any amendment proposed under this clause.


Subscriptions will be set at the Annual General Meeting.

13. Musical Director/Conductor 

The appointment of a Musical Director / Conductor shall be made by the Committee who, by agreement, shall confirm the appointments annually. In appropriate cases, with Committee approval, reasonable out-of-pocket expenses may be paid.

14. Minutes

The Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings held by the Committee and Sub-Committees and circulate copies to all members of those Committees as soon as is reasonably possible.

The minutes shall be proposed and seconded as a true record and the names of the proposer and seconder shall be recorded in the minutes by the Secretary.

15. Quorum 

In order that proceedings at meetings are valid there must be present at least four Committee members or half the committee, whichever is greater, and one of those shall be either the Chairperson, the Secretary or the Treasurer. Meetings shall not be opened unless this quorum exists.

16. Payments and Expenses

No member of The Band shall make any personal gain from their role, nor shall they be employed by The Band. Where members incur expenses undertaking tasks for The Band and those expenses have been authorised by the Committee prior to being incurred, reimbursement shall be made.

Reimbursement to non-members may be made in cases where they incur expenses undertaking tasks which directly contribute to the Objectives of The Band where prior Committee approval has been given.

17. Motions and resolutions

To be resolved, a motion shall be supported by the majority of the members who are eligible to vote, The Chairperson shall not cast a vote unless there be equal numbers for and against a motion, and in that case the Chairperson shall cast the deciding vote.


If the committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve The Band, it shall call a meeting of all members of The Band, of which not less than 21 days notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed) shall be given.

If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, the Committee shall have the power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of The Band

Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having Objectives similar to the Objectives of The Band as the members may determine or, failing that, shall be applied for some other charitable purpose.

A copy of the statement of accounts, or account and statement, for the final period of The Band must be sent to the Charity Commissioners.

19. Band Rules

  1. Whilst at an engagement (even when not playing) you are on show to the public and therefore should be on your best behaviour.
  2. Uniform should be worn correctly, jackets on, ties done up, shirts tucked in, sleeves rolled down (unless agreed by the Bandmaster), at all times at contests and concerts.
  3. The playing area must be kept clear of all items not required for playing, e.g., cases, bags.
  4. Mobile phones must be turned off at all rehearsals and performances unless agreed with the Musical Director.
  5. There should be no unnecessary talking during performances.
  6. There should be no eating, drinking or smoking during performances. (Water will be permitted)
  7. When leaving the stand in between playing sessions, music stands and instruments must be left in a safe position or put in cases.
  8. Instruments and stands belonging to The Band are to be kept clean and any damage sustained must be reported to a Committee member.
  9. At practice, players are expected to start playing at the time decided by the Committee/Musical Director.
  10. The practice room is to be left clean and tidy, with chairs and stands put away and no litter on the floor.
  11. Alcohol will not be permitted for anyone under 18 at a rehearsal or at an event . THIS IS THE LAW.
  12. The possession or use of drugs at any band practice or performance will not be permitted, unless medically prescribed.
  13. Care, courtesy and respect should be afforded to all members regardless of age or office.
  14. Criticism of both playing and behaviour should only be made to the Chairperson or Musical Director, whereas praise of either should be made as frequently and as publicly as possible, thereby enhancing the reputation of the Band. SHEPHERD GROUP BRASS BAND UNIFORM
    Red/Black uniform jacket
    Black bow tie/ red tie with band logo
    Plain white shirt, with turn down collar and long sleeves
    Plain, tidy, black trousers (male)
    Plain black skirt to the knee or plain, tidy, black trousers (female)
    Plain black socks (male)
    Plain black tights (female)
    Polished black shoes
  1. re should be no eating, drinking or smoking during performances. (Water will be permitted)
  2. When leaving the stand in between playing sessions, music stands and instruments must be left in a safe position or put in cases.
  3. Instruments and stands belonging to The Band are to be kept clean and any damage sustained must be reported to a Committee member.
  4. At practice, players are expected to start playing at the time decided by the Committee/Musical Director.
  5. The practice room is to be left clean and tidy, with chairs and stands put away and no litter on the floor.
  6. Alcohol will not be permitted for anyone under 18 at a rehearsal or at an event . THIS IS THE LAW.
  7. The possession or use of drugs at any band practice or performance will not be permitted, unless medically prescribed.
  8. Care, courtesy and respect should be afforded to all members regardless of age or office.
  9. Criticism of both playing and behaviour should only be made to the Chairperson or Musical Director, whereas praise of either should be made as frequently and as publicly as possible, thereby enhancing the reputation of the Band. SHEPHERD GROUP BRASS BAND UNIFORM
    Red/Black uniform jacket
    Black bow tie/ red tie with band logo
    Plain white shirt, with turn down collar and long sleeves
    Plain, tidy, black trousers (male)
    Plain black skirt to the knee or plain, tidy, black trousers (female)
    Plain black socks (male)
    Plain black tights (female)
    Polished black shoes