Join us for dinner and a dance?

We would love to welcome former players and friends of the band at our 20 years celebration. We are celebrating 20 years of sponsorship from Shepherd Group this year and on September 21st we continue the celebrations with a dinner dance at York Racecourse in the Dante Suite in the Ebor Stand.

The dinner starts at 7:30 pm and ends round about midnight. There is car parking available for those who are driving.

The dinner is a 3 course meal with Coffee and the festivities continue with a disco. There are of course options available for the vegetarians who want to attend. The cost of the meal is £40 per person and tickets can be purchased via a direct bank payment to the Band account, the details you will need are as follows:

Account name :     Shepherd Building Group Brass Band 

Sort code  :  40-52-40

A/c number :  00035218

When making a payment please put use the code PTY20 followed by your name so we can identify who is coming.

Please make payments before the 31st August 2024. If things change, he we can offer refunds for payments made before 31st August, however because we need to place the orders for food, we can’t offer refunds after August 31st.

Something special is coming…

2024 sees the 20th anniversary of our relationship with Shepherd Group as our sponsors. Over that time we have benefitted from first class rehearsal facilities and have grown the band organisation to something we are all justifiably proud of. So we are going to be celebrating.

We have commissioned Liz Lane to compose a piece of celebratory music that represents the bands and the company who support us. We have had several workshops where Liz has worked with each band storyboarding our feelings about the band, what we get from it as players and as a band family as a whole. Liz has also been allowed to visit the Portakabin production site where she drew inspiration from the machinery used in the production of the Portakabin product lines.

On May 21st, players from each of the bands in the organisation got together in the band room for the first full run through of the piece. Liz was there to hear the work and has gone away with a couple of ideas for final tweaks. It was great to hear this come together and there are a few real surprises in store for the audience.

An image of players from all the bands looking back and waving to the camera.

This new composition will receive its premiere at the celebration concert the bands are holding at York Theatre Royal on June 29th 2024. Tickets are selling fast for this concert so you will need to head to the box office if you want to hear the performance. Tickets can be obtained via the link below.

York Theatre Royal

Liz has worked with many bands and is composer in association with Grimethorpe Colliery Band, writing music for their recent Brass in Concert set performed at the Glasshouse in Gateshead. You can find out more about Liz and her approach to composition at her website.